Emotional intelligence (EI) or emotional quotient (EQ) is the ability of the individual to recognize his own, and other people’s emotions. It is the capacity to discriminate between different feelings and label them correctly. It is the capability to use emotional information to guide one’s thinking and behaviour. It is also the ability to manage and adjust emotions to adapt to environments and achieve one’s goals. The term was first used in a 1964 paper by Michael Beldoch. It became popular in 1995 through the book written by the author, psychologist, and science journalist Daniel Goleman. Studies show that people with high EI have greater mental health, job performance, and leadership skills
Emotional intelligence, in very broad terms, sometimes called empathy, is actually the ability of a person to recognize emotions in different people and react accordingly.
Leaders throughout history have known to have a strong emotional intelligence which help them connect with a lot of people and gain support.
Usually, a human lack a lot of emotional intelligence at their early stage of life. Children lack such intelligence which makes it difficult for them to understand the emotions of parents and adults. However, most children learn this naturally as they grow up.
Large organizations spend millions of dollars on research to better understand emotional intelligence and use their findings to develop more compelling advertisements and campaigns for maximum impact on their target audience.
Emotional intelligence is one of the essential components of leadership and an inbuilt ability of an individual to perceive the emotions and feelings of other people. It is also known as emotional quotient or EQ. It is defined as the capability of individuals to identify their own emotions. To discern between different feelings and to use the appropriate emotional guide to label each feeling and emotion in the correct way forms a part of emotional intelligence.
The skills that make up emotional intelligence can be learned at any time. There lies a difference between learning emotional intelligence and applying it in your daily life activities. In order to permanently change behaviour to stand up to pressure, one needs to learn how to overcome stress to be emotionally aware.
Self-awareness is an essential feature of emotional intelligence. It helps an individual to know their own strengths and use them wisely. In today’s scenario, emotional intelligence is one of the most significant aspects to reach the goal and succeed in life. Emotional intelligence leads to general happiness.
Student Author: Dheeraj Mishra
Class- VII B